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A Top of the Pops mashup for 2011

So I guess this is a thing now?  A new yearly tradition?  Remember a couple years ago when a DJ made a mashup of all the top songs of that year?  Well, he, DJ Earworm, made another one for 2011.  Time flies doesn’t it?  Featuring Britney, Adele, Bruno Mars, Riri, Pitbull, Foster the People, Usher, J.Lo, etc. take a trip down memory lane and see all the good, boring and just plain bad music video fashions of this past year, not to mention listen to a pretty cool spin on all the songs melded together.  Must have taken forever!

You all know that I am in love with Rihanna’s We Found Love but second to that in this video, I really loved Britney’s Till The World Ends.  She looked the best she’s ever looked in a video post K-Fed, I think.

A must watch!